Mitski - Be The Cowboy

Mitski - Be The Cowboy

Regular price $ 28.00
Vinyl LP pressing. The breakout success of 2016's Puberty 2 saw Mitski hailed as the new vanguard of indie rock, the one to save the genre from the white dudes who've historically dominated it. But the often overlooked aspect of being a rising star is the sheer amount of work that goes into it. "I had been on the road for a long time, which is so isolating, and had to run my own business at the same time," Mitski explains, "a lot of this record was me not having any feelings, being completely spent, but then trying to rally myself and wake up and get back to Mitski. I was feeling really nihilistic and trying to make pop songs."
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All vintage vinyl is priced according to version and condition. If you'd like more information, please feel free to email or call us at (972)-598-0814.
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