Foxing - Nearer My God

Foxing - Nearer My God

Regular price $ 32.00
Vinyl LP pressing. Foxing's much anticipated third album, Nearer My God, was produced by Chris Walla (Death Cab For Cutie, Tegan & Sara) and the band's own Eric Hudson. The record tackles such weighted subjects as religion, mental illness, political instability, global disaster and the near constant sense of impending doom. The band reflects these feelings in the album's own title which is taken from the name of a 19th-century hymn said to be the song played as the Titanic sank and used in the now infamous CNN doomsday video meant to be aired as the world ends. However, among the dark subject matter, the band delivers an album that is, without a doubt, their most immediate, complex, sonically grand and focused work yet.
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