The Rocket Summer - Shadowkasters

The Rocket Summer - Shadowkasters

Regular price $ 30.00
2023 release from The Rocket Summer, the alt-rock solo project of multi-instrumentalist, Bryce Avary. Named by Rolling Stone as 'Songs You Need To Know', The Rocket Summer's eighth full-length studio LP, SHADOWKASTERS, sees Avary delving into fresh and raucous uncharted sonic territories with a filtering unique to Avary's particular lens. Evoking the sounds of what one might envision the walls of industrial clubs, UK dance punk halls and R&B thumping venues have reflected over decades, tracks such as "M4U", "Disco In Circles" and "Stuck Inside Your Light" show where following this road of creativity has lead Avary, while "Sing At The Top", "Eyes 2 Skies" and "Hope Is A Treacherous Drug I'm Getting High Though" bridge the gap between the classic and present heartbeat of The Rocket Summer. "I feel like I went through the wardrobe into Narnia and came back with this album," reflects Avary about the creative sonic expressions throughout the music. After reaching the top of Billboard Rock Charts with his previous albums, fans have flocked to Avary's optimistic and exuberant song craft, polymath instrumental live show, and the fan community it inspires. With this new album, SHADOWKASTERS is poised to continue the journey of The Rocket Summer and it's fans into new and brighter heights.
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