Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman...

Queens of the Stone Age - In Times New Roman...

Regular price $ 46.00

'In Times New Roman...', the 8th studio album from Queens of the Stone Age is raw, brutal & rough around the edges but with a refinement that reveals itself further with each successive listen - and QOTSA founder Joshua Homme's lyrics are as witty and withering than ever. The results are instantly identifiable ; QOTSA's sonic signature, expanded and embellished with new and unprecedented twists in virtually every song, a live in-a-room recording that showcases a band at the height of their creative powers. 'In Times New Roman...' is a party for the obscene and the clean, the outcasts and the weirdos, and anyone and everyone in between. One of the most important bands in recent rock history is B A C K but it's no exaggeration to call this album a devastating rebirth. Recorded at Pink Duck Studios, Shangri-La Studio, Dumbfox Studio. Produced By Queens of the Stone Age Mixed By Mark Rankin.

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