Them - Again

Them - Again

Regular price $ 30.00
Limited vinyl LP repressing. Them Again is the second album by the Northern Irish band, Them, whose lead singer and songwriter was Van Morrison. The album was released by Decca Records in the UK on 21 January 1966. Two of the original Van Morrison songs included on the album, "My Lonely Sad Eyes" and "Hey Girl", can be seen as precursors to the poetic musings of Morrison's later Astral Weeks album, released in 1968. The song title "My Lonely Sad Eyes" implies that the sad eyes belong to the singer but the lyrics address the singer's love interest. The song "Hey Girl" has a pastoral feel to it, enhanced by the addition of flutes and in Brian Hinton's opinion is a "dry run for 'Cyprus Avenue'" from Astral Weeks. The cover version of Bob Dylan's "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue", is considered by author Clinton Heylin to be "that genuine rarity, a Dylan cover to match the original." Among the Van Morrison originals and cover versions found on the album, three of producer Tommy Scott's original compositions are also included.
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