These Arms Are Snakes - Duct Tape & Shivering Crows [GREEN/PINK SPLATTER]

These Arms Are Snakes - Duct Tape & Shivering Crows [GREEN/PINK SPLATTER]

Regular price $ 36.00

Over the course of their seven-year run back in the '00s, These Arms Are Snakes covered a lot of

territory, both in terms of actual miles spent on the road and in terms of their creative bandwidth. Though the band was often mistaken for a typical non sequitur-named screamo outt or another "animal" indie band, the Seattle group quickly deed expectations and garnered a reputation for subverting the popular underground sounds of time. The group cultivated a small but fervent fanbase across multiple continents with their signature combination of synth-infused noise rock, bad-trip psychedelia, amboyant proto-metal boogie, and unhinged basement-show hardcore before imploding at the end of 2009. And while These Arms Are Snakes' full-length albums remain tting testaments to the band's frantic urgency and stylistic uidity, there is a treasure trove of deep cuts buried on b-sides and split releases that further reinforce their position as one of the weirdest and wildest acts of the decade. For the rst time, those rarities and one-offs have been compiled into a cohesive overview of These Arms Are Snakes' lifespan on the double LP Duct Tape & Shivering Crows.
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